article recently published in Annals of Internal Medicine aimed to clarify the old argument of nutrient values and health risks in
organic vs. conventional foods. Their findings suggest that organic is not in
fact ‘healthier’ or ‘more nutrient dense’ than conventionally grown foods and that there is really no significant evidence to support the claim of organic=health. While
this may be true, it certainly doesn’t speak to the issue of GMO’s and how they
effect us in the long term, pesticides and how they effect us in the long term,
conditions of the animals and/or human laborers that are involved in the
production of this food, the great distances at which this produce travels and
its effect on the environment, and what would appear to be the issue closest to
the consumers heart, taste.
is something about a homegrown tomato that is distinctly different from a
conventionally grown one. Not just in the size or feel or shape, but in flavor.
Maybe I’m pushing it a little here, but there is warmth inherent to organic tomatoes,
a sweeter quality, a delicate, dirt-y fragrance that just isn’t there in a
conventionally grown one. Maybe that’s why they’re trying to coerce the current
mammoth tomato monopolizing the market into tasting better.
is, of course, conflicting opinions on The Great Organic V. Conventional
Debate. A study done in March of 2012 at the University of Barcelona shows that organic tomatoes
contain a statistically significant higher amount of phenolic compounds (compounds that have been implicated in preventing cardiovascular disease and certain cancers) than conventional tomatoes. Perhaps the issue
is the hearty-ness of the fruit or vegetable being changed. Tomatoes seem to me
a more delicate fruit than say, a watermelon or an apple. And for that reason,
are perhaps more prone to nutrient shifts. But, back onto the heart of the issue, is there a difference
in taste? If a group of people of varying genders and similar ages were to,
say, be blind folded at 11:30 at night and have two slices of tomatoes placed
in their hands to eat, would they be able to taste the difference? Fortunately,
we here at Obvious Experiments Laboratory were able to suss this issue out for
the American Public once and for all.
An Experiment
About Which Tomatoes Taste Better:
Arrived Upon Using Science
Methods and Materials:
Buy conventionally
grown tomatoes (Roma) from local super market chain, Winco, and organically
grown tomatoes (not Roma, heirloom round-ish ones) from Moscow Farmer’s Market.
Take them home and
wash them.
Wait in your apartment
until night falls.
Find a group of young
people hanging around in your backyard and casually invite them onto your porch
to be blindfolded (1 wooly scarf, 1 tie, 2 silk scarves of varying color and
pattern, and 1 knit cap were used) and fed
Slice tomatoes and
place on two plates of similar color and proportion
Blind fold anyone
standing on porch
Have young ones hold
out their hands and place a tomato slice on each of their palms
Direct them to eat
Place a second tomato
in the center of their now, slightly juice filled and outstretched palms
10. Stop them from eating it before your cue
11. Direct them to eat
12. Direct one of them to perform steps 5 through 9 on you
13. Ask both the group and yourself, “which one was organic?”
14. Allow them to answer only in unison
one of them (including myself) was able to identify the organic tomato.
Some pertinent comment’s included:
“It [the organic tomato] was
“The organic tomato was softer.”
“The first one [conventional
tomato] tasted like butt.”
It should also be noted that when
the left over slices were offered as compensation for participation in the
experiment, only the organic tomato slices were taken.
There would appear to be a
distinct difference in flavor between organic and conventionally grown
Awesome post! I really liked the scientific experiment approach and layout of your blog for this week-- it allowed me to see how thorough you were in your testing and it was easy to follow. I think perhaps the most interesting part of this post for me was the first paragraph. I haven't done much research into whether organic really does equal "healthier" like much of the public seems to assume. But you make several solid points about how GMOs and other potentially negative long-term effects are rarely considered. From an environmental standpoint, it seems obvious that local, fresh food would be the first choice in the grocery store to save on shipping, packing, etc but I think many consumers don't think about this or care while they're shopping (perhaps that depends on the area, and again, what's cheaper.) Overall, a very thought-provoking blog. I thought it was interesting that all of your blind taste testers were able to identify the organic tomato without a doubt. I also enjoyed the photos a lot. Good work!